Voice of the San Gabriel Valley: Week 4

With the Long Range Transportation Plan workshop behind us and a possible vote to look forward to in July, we continue to carry on the voices and momentum for the San Gabriel Valley. Foothill Extension supporters have influenced decision makers at Metro and we are getting closer to achieving our goal of opening to Azusa by 2013. It is only fitting that we continue providing a forum so their voices can be heard.

“Completion of the Gold Line Foothill Extension to La Verne is key to our long range planning + economic development efforts.”

“This type of transportation is long overdue for our community.”

“The traffic on the 210 freeway is unbearable! I used the Gold Line yesterday to see “Grease” at the Pantages. I would use it more if it was extended east.”

“Extending the Gold Line is a win-win situation. It will create much needed jobs, reduce traffic, and open up Downtown L.A. for more employment.”

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